1. Ondersteuning
  • Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

    This Statement relates to the financial year ended 31 December 2023.

    This statement is made pursuant to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 s.54 and constitutes 1GLOBAL’s Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for the year 2023.

    Our Approach

    Modern slavery encompasses slavery, servitude, human trafficking and forced labour. TP Global Operations

    Limited (1GLOBAL) has a zero- tolerance approach to any form of modern slavery. We are committed to

    acting ethically and with integrity and transparency in all business dealings. We are committed to

    developing, implementing and enforcing effective systems of control to safeguard against any form of

    modern slavery within our business or supply chain.

    Organisation Structure & Supply Chain

    TP Global Operations Limited (1GLOBAL) directly employs in excess of 400 people across the globe and we

    engage with a range of suppliers. The supply chain for our core activities consists of established suppliers

    within the telecoms industry from whom we acquire network access, network equipment, software, IT

    equipment, and consultancy services. Whilst remaining vigilant, we do not consider that there is a high risk

    of slavery and / or human trafficking in our business. Careful screening of all clients is undertaken by our

    WorldCheck compliance software to ensure that 1GLOBAL is engaging with third parties who share our

    commitment to ethical behaviour.

    Our Policies

    We continue to implement and enforce policies to support our commitment, which include policies relating

    to recruitment screening and whistleblowing. The whistleblowing policy is available to all employees and

    third parties, to enable them to anonymously raise concerns regarding the treatment of colleagues or

    practices within our business or supply chain.


    Executive Management will implement this policy and monitor its use and effectiveness. Executive

    Management will ensure that our procurement processes are recognised, followed and will maintain

    appropriate steps to assure recognition of the Modern-Slavery Act 2015.

    Compliance with this Policy

    All those working for 1GLOBAL are required to avoid any activity that may lead to a breach of this policy and

    to report any concern or suspicion about modern slavery in any parts of our business or supply chains to

    management. We are committed to ensuring no one suffers any detrimental treatment as a result of

    reporting a suspicion that modern slavery might be taking place.


    This year, 1GLOBAL is developing its Aspiring Supplier Process that governs how we vet our suppliers and the

    relevant supplier questionnaires will directly include reference to slavery and trafficking. This supplier

    vetting will confirm how our suppliers comply with ethical standards encompassing slavery and human

    trafficking. In addition, our contracts will, to the extent practicable, require that suppliers comply with all

    relevant 1GLOBAL policies and if there are reasonable grounds to believe that a supplier is at risk of being in

    conflict with our 1GLOBAL policies, then those administering the contract will be required to terminate the

    contract in accordance with the existing contractual agreements.

    Disciplinary Procedures

    Failure to observe this policy may result in a written warning or dismissal. Serious offences may be reported

    to the police or other appropriate authority for further investigation and possible prosecution.

    This Statement was approved by the board of directors of TP Global Operations Limited on 2 May 2024 and constitutes the Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for the year ending 31 December 2023.