High Usage Alert Overview

This article provides thorough information about HUA.

I got a text message telling me I’m close to my monthly data allowance, what does it mean?

To protect you from excessive charges we track usage levels and make this information transparent. This means we'll automatically send early notification when you are getting close to your bundle allowance or Spend Alerts when expenditure is increasing, enabling you to better manage your spend. The text message makes sure you’re aware of this.

What is a High Usage Alert?
A High Usage Alert notifies end users (and their nominated bill-payers) when consumption is getting close to the maximum allowance. Each plan is monitored and when a threshold is reached for voice, text or data use, an alert is triggered and messages are sent. The default threshold is to alert when 10% of each plan allowance remains.
For shared plans, end-users are not notified, but their nominated bill-payer or telecoms manager will receive an email with the relevant usage details included. 

What is a Spend Alert?
A Spend Alert notifies end-users whenever their out-of-bundle expenditure exceeds a predefined level, based on the local currency in their home country.  This extra spend may be incurred from premium rate calls, roaming into countries not covered by the 1GLOBAL plan or by going over the plan’s agreed allowances for voice, data and/or SMS. The Spend Alert SMS is triggered by the total of all these extra charges.  
In line with the High Usage Alerts, the nominated bill-payer or telecoms manager will also receive an email with an outline of the extra charges to expect.

Who will receive High Usage Alerts and how?

• End Users on Individual Plans will be contacted directly via SMS. Their Account Administrator will also receive an Email. The in-bundle usage alert will notify them of their remaining usage allowance for voice minutes, SMS, and Data. Once their out-of-bundle allowance exceeds the set threshold, incremental spend alerts will notify them of the minimum extra charges that apply.

• Shared Plan Administrators will receive in-bundle usage alerts and out-of-bundle spend alerts by Email and will be prompted to contact 1GLOBAL for advice on alternatives to avoid excessive charges. End users on Shared Plans will only be contacted directly via SMS for out-of-bundle spend alerts.

• We send an SMS to the end user of the service in similar terms of the email. The end user may not receive that SMS if they are using their 1GLOBAL SIM in a tablet.

It is recommended on the email for the admin to contact the end user if they need to act on the content of the message.

Can I change the frequency of High Usage Alerts?

Usage and Spend Alert notifications are provided free of charge to all accounts by default. Different alerting profiles are available and these can be modified at any time by calling 1GLOBAL Customer Service. You can also opt-out altogether if you choose to do so.

What can I do to minimise my charges?

You can contact your own company Account Administrator if you are on a Shared Plan or contact 1GLOBAL directly if you are on an Individual Plan to discuss the best options available to you.

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1GLOBAL is a trading name of TP Global Operations Limited.