Wi-Fi Calling (VoWi-Fi)
Voice Over Wi-Fi (VoWi-Fi)
What is Wi-Fi Calling?
Wi-Fi Calling or VoWiFi (Voice over Wi-Fi) is a High Definition (HD) voice service that uses a High Speed Internet connection to let you make and receive calls over any Wi-Fi network.
What are the Benefits of Wi-Fi Calling?
The most significant benefits of Wi-Fi Calling are:
Helps you connect when cellular service isn't available or you're having poor signal issues.
You make and receive calls with Wi-Fi using your phone number(s).
It uses a native dialer. So from the end user’s viewpoint, it’s just the same as making a call on a cellular network.
You don't need to use an app or other log-in to use Wi-Fi Calling
Service will be available at no additional charge with your existing voice plan.
Wi-Fi Calling calls will be charged like you are at home, according to 1GLOBAL price plan for mobile calls.
To be eligible for Wi-Fi Calling, you need to:
Be a provisioned 1GLOBAL Business customer with a primary number from Australia, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Poland, Spain, The Netherlands, United Kingdom and United States.
Have a SIM Card in version v5.7 or above and with the latest OTA updates.
An iPhone with iOS version 12.1.4 or higher.
Wi-Fi Calling is also being rolled out to customers with TMR products.
Turn on your Wi-Fi Calling settings on your device.
Which Devices Support Wi-Fi Calling?
All iPhones are supported from the iPhone 5S onwards
How to turn On Wi-Fi Calling in Settings?
Wi-Fi Calling settings are switched OFF by default, so you must turn the setting ON to enable Wi-Fi Calling. The process for turning Wi-Fi Calling settings ON differs slightly depending on your device.
Before activating Wi-Fi Calling, you have to update your iOS and 1GLOBAL Carrier Settings to the latest versions (version 36 for the Carrier Settings). This should happen over OTA controlled by Apple when a new iOS is released or by connecting the iPhone to iTunes software if not updated yet.
Follow the below steps to check your iPhone's current version:
Once the Settings have been updated, follow the below steps to activate Wi-Fi Calling:
How Will I Know When I am Using Wi-Fi Calling?
You will be able to use the service when the device is connected to Wi-Fi, and you can see in the status bar.
Will the Service be Available When in Roaming?
The service currently works in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovak Republic, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, USA
Can I Send Text Messages (SMS) with Wi-Fi Calling On?
You can send texts over Wi-Fi even if you don’t have cell service. Just use Messages as you normally would.
When registered on Wi-Fi Calling, we are substituting the need of a radio coverage partner to allow a connection to the SIM for voice and SMS activity.
The Wi-Fi Calling connection will transport the signaling negotiation between the SIM and our core network to enable the SMS to be sent and received. Much like the voice call.
Is There a Seamless Handover from a Wi-Fi Calling Call into Cellular Network and Vice Versa?
A Wi-Fi Calling call cannot handover to a cellular network, therefore if Wi-Fi coverage is lost, the call will drop and will require a new voice call setup.
In the same way, a 2G/3G call cannot handover to Wi-Fi Calling, therefore if cellular coverage is lost, the call will drop and will require a new voice call setup.
Also, in offices where there are multiple Wi-Fi routers, the call may drop if users walk through the office between different routers.
What is Wi-Fi Call Quality Like?
Wi-Fi Calling requires a strong and reliable Wi-Fi connection for the best possible call quality. If you are experiencing poor or inconsistent call quality when making calls over Wi-Fi, check that you have a strong Wi-Fi signal.
If you need to, move to a location closer to the router with better signal. Also, the number of devices connected to a Wi-Fi network and the type of activity (e.g. streaming video) on a network can affect call quality.
If the Wi-Fi network you are using has many users, such as a public Wi-Fi hotspot or a house with many users connected, this could reduce call quality even when the network signal is strong.
Can I Call Emergency Number(s) Using Wi-Fi Calling?
For United Kingdom & United States: You can still make emergency calls when Wi-Fi Calling is enabled, but your mobile device is defaulted to prefer the cellular network when making emergency calls. If cellular coverage is insufficient to make the call, your device will then automatically search for other mobile carrier networks to try to make the call. Making emergency calls over a mobile network is automatically preferred, as this provides more of your location details to your chosen emergency service.
For France, Germany, Hong Kong, The Netherlands & Spain emergency calls are not supported.